Compelling Community. Growing Disciples. Reaching Our Neighbors. Located in Wheaton, IL.

Youth Ministries

The church provides great encouragement for the early adolescent and teen years. Our goal is to come alongside parents as they support their child in finding faith for themselves.

sUNDAY morning
 sUNDAY sCHOOL MEETS at 9:15 am (Sept-May)

7th–8th Grade (Confirmation)
Confirmation is a time of intentional discipleship through relationships, Bible study, worship, and prayer. They are guided on this life long journey as a disciple of Christ by our senior pastor. They are also connected to an adult mentor in the church and choose an area of service as they learn to become serving members of our congregation. During Sunday morning class time, they go through the Covenant denomination’s confirmation curriculum.

Year 1: Overview of Old Testament
Year 2: Overview of New Testament, Covenant Church History and Affirmations

9th-12th Grades
High School students are ready to delve into deeper topics and studies. Older high school students (11th-12th) are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the church body during the Sunday School hour. Students are invited to participate in the high school class, join the adult spiritual formation hour, or help teach the younger classes.

Sunday eVENING

412 YOUTH GROUP MEETS Sunday evenings, 4:30 – 6:00pm (Sept-May)

7th-12th Grades
Our students chose the name “412” for our youth group, taken from 1 Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” Our mission is to deepen students’ understanding of Scripture and God’s call on each of their lives. We strive to provide every single student with guidance and opportunities that will allow them to deepen their faith and continue to walk with God after they leave high school.

During our Wednesday evenings together, the students spend the first hour building relationships, playing games and hanging out in a fun comfortable space designed just for them. In 2021-2022, they will engage in a study of the book of Philippians after having a time of worship led by youth group members. Newcomers can join in at any time.

Winter retreat (usually in February)
Monthly activities (June-August)

Click to register for children/youth programming.