Compelling Community. Growing Disciples. Reaching Our Neighbors. Located in Wheaton, IL.

Prayer and Care

The family culture and caring atmosphere of Faith vividly come alive in the way we care for and show our love for each other.

Faith cares and supports its members through the ministry of our deacons, people dedicated to the spiritual nurture of the church. They do this in a few ways.


Our deacons pray regularly for our community. Prayer meetings are held Mondays at 7:00 pm and Sundays at 9:30 am. There are always Prayer and Care Team members available to pray following our Worship Service. If you have a specific prayer requests, it can be sent to our confidential email,

Sign up to be on our prayer chain HERE. We will email you with immediate prayer needs in our church family.

New Members

Deacons meet with new members in order to get to know them and help them connect to the life of the church. Keep an eye out for new member events!

BeFriender Ministry

We have a group of folks trained in the art of active listening who can provide a comforting presence during a difficult season of life. If you’d like to meet with a BeFriender, please contact Pastor Nate Hickox at

Meeting Needs

Meal chains are created when babies are born or when one is going through a hard time. Join our meal ministry! We will email you when someone in our church family could be blessed by having meals provided for them. You can sign up HERE.

Financial assistance is available for members as well.


Please email us at to let us know if there is a specific way we can support you spiritually or provide assistance.