Compelling Community. Growing Disciples. Reaching Our Neighbors. Located in Wheaton, IL.

Children’s Sunday Morning Discipleship

Our desire is to come alongside you as you seek to raise your children to love God and others. From your child’s earliest days through their teen years, we want them to experience worship, biblical Learning, and Christian community. Our Sunday morning children’s ministry is designed with that in mind! Below is a brief overview of what each age group will be learning. 

Worship Service Hour

Even small babies begin to learn about God’s love as they are cared for in the nursery. They begin to feel comfortable at church as people, other than their parents, play with them and meet their needs. Likewise, the screened and trained volunteers become attached to the children creating the feel of an extended family. This is the child’s first introduction into Christian community.
As the infant grows into a toddler teachers introduce major bible stories and engage young children in related crafts, songs, and activities. Kids get lots of hugs and love!
Children are an important part of the congregation. We intentionally include them in the worship service during the singing. This is a special time for families to worship the Lord together and for the church to worship across the generations. After the singing, the children are welcomed forward for a children’s message designed just for them. This time is called Ministry to Children. Everyone enjoys the children’s story. It has been shown that children who have been included in the worship service easily transition to attending church as adults.

4 years–1st Grade
Following the Ministry to Children ages 4 years-1st grade are escorted downstairs to our Young Children And Worship program. Young Children And Worship is a worship service designed for children. They recite the Lord’s Prayer and learn the Apostle’s Creed. They utilize sign language and sing praise to God. They enter into a Bible story as it is told with simple wood figures, then think about it together and respond in creative ways. They experience the mystery of prayer and the reading of God’s Word.


Nursery and Toddler care continues.
PreK-1st Grade
In this fun class, puppets introduces children to theology at a basic level. Using a curriculum based on the book Leading Little Ones to God, they cover topics like Who is God?, How Sin Spoiled the World, God’s Law and Justice, What Jesus Did, and How We Become Children of God. Kids use songs and games to work on memorizing the books of the New Testament as well as some key verses, like the Fruit of the Spirit.  Kids are also guided in different types of prayers, learning how to praise, give thanks, repent, and intercede.
2nd-4th Grade
This classes uses the TRUstory curriculum, which cycles though the entire Bible each year, but with different stories through a four-year cycle. The stories are put in geographic and biblical context, consistently reviewing basic biblical knowledge, and focusing on the stories’ place in the redemption narrative. We read a biography of Nate Saint, and work on memorizing short portions of Romans 12 and Psalm 139 and the books of the Old Testament.
5th-6th Grade
Our older elementary school students learn how to study the Bible for themselves. In previous years they have studied the book of Acts, the history of the early church through the reformation, 5 major world religions and how we can love people from those cultures and share Christ with them. They review the books of the Bible, work on memorizing short sections of scripture, a pray together.