Faith Covenant Church exists to connect diverse people in compelling Christian community and to grow them into disciples of Jesus who reach our neighbors for Christ.
Faith Covenant is a diverse community with people from many different walks of life. We come from different church backgrounds, generations, white-collar and blue-collar work, and lovingly hold different opinions on an array of topics. We think this makes us stronger and we welcome continued growth in diversity.
To accomplish our mission, we focus on four key elements.
Worship– Corporate worship is the foundation for the rest of our week and life together.
Connect– We seek to live as a church family. We eat together both in our building and at homes throughout the week. We participate in small group life, social gatherings, and more.
Grow– We believe we grow as we focus on the Word, close relationships, and continual learning.
Reach– We know we are growing in our walk with Jesus when we reach out to our neighbors with the love and good news of Jesus.
Values are the shared convictions that guide the actions and reveal the strengths of our church. It answers, “How do we behave?”
- Everything centered on God’s Word– We believe God’s Word is true and transformational.
- Everyone walking with Jesus- We love Jesus more than anything.
- Every member a minister– We are all “on Staff.”
- Every member a missionary– We are IN the community and FOR the community.
- Every meeting a prayer meeting– We believe in consciously depending on the Holy Spirit.
- Every generation connected- We love each other like family.
- Every treasure dedicated to God-We joyfully give our time, talents, and treasure for God’s glory and our neighbor’s good.
- Every nation hearing the Gospel-We are a local church with a global heart.
We are part of a network of churches called the Evangelical Covenant Church. We are Evangelical in the sense that we believe Jesus is Good News for all people. You can find out more about this network by perusing covchurch.org.
The Evangelical Covenant Church seeks to form and nurture communities that are deeply committed to Jesus Christ and passionately engage in Christ’s mission in the world.
Our essential beliefs are summed up in the Covenant Affirmations:
• We affirm the centrality of the word of God. The Bible is our standard and authority for all matters on faith and practice.
• We affirm the necessity of the new birth. We believe everyone is invited to have a living, vibrant, and personal relationship with Jesus.
• We affirm a commitment to the whole mission of the church. We believe in both sharing our faith with others and demonstrating our faith through love, good deeds, and social concern.
• We affirm the church as a fellowship of believers. At its core, the church is the family of God.
• We affirm a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit. We strive to follow the Spirit’s leading in our lives and allow God’s Spirit to empower us to serve others.
• We affirm the reality of freedom in Christ. With the Bible as our basis, we allow much freedom and debate on issues that the church has historically disagreed on. We treat people who differ from us with kindness, understanding, and grace.
We also affirm the historic Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed.
We come together on Sunday mornings to worship God and to grow in our walk with Jesus Christ. Worship at Faith Covenant is also a celebration of what God has done and is doing in our lives. We do a few things that shape our worship gathering.
- We use the Bible. We read it, meditate on it, teach it, and preach it to shape our lives around the truth of God’s Word.
- We use a variety of music. We incorporate a blend of contemporary and traditional music to praise God. We utilize contemporary worship music with a band, choral anthems, and hymns that Christians have sung for centuries. We incorporate guitars, drums, piano, bass, as well as brass, woodwinds, and more. Those who have a gift in music are encouraged to use it!
- We use a variety of practices. We utilize prayers, responsive readings, and creeds. We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of each month.
- We include children. We have a children’s message during the service and have children participate in suitable roles. For children pre-school age through 1st grade, we have a program called “Young Children and Worship.” Toward the end of our service and before the sermon, children are dismissed to go to “Young Children and Worship” to worship God in an age-appropriate way. Children 2nd grade and up remain in the worship service and are given activities to help them engage. (Sunday School for all children and teens occurs at 11:00 am. Our adults enjoy community groups during kids Sunday School.)